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Tinidazole Prescribing Information

Tinidazole is an antibiotic medication used to treat various types of infections caused by certain bacteria and parasites. It is particularly effective against anaerobic bacteria and protozoa.

Tinidazole tablets

Uses of Tinidazole

Tinidazole is a medication with several medical uses, primarily as an antibiotic and antiprotozoal agent. Here are some of the common uses:

  • Treatment of Trichomoniasis: Antibiotic is often prescribed to treat trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. It is effective in both men and women for this purpose.
  • Treatment of Giardiasis: Medicine is used to treat giardiasis, an intestinal infection caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia. It can help relieve symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea.
  • Bacterial Infections: Tinidazole is effective against various bacterial infections, especially those caused by anaerobic bacteria. It can be used to treat infections in different parts of the body, including the abdominal and pelvic regions, skin, and respiratory tract.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis: In some cases, Tinidazole may be prescribed to treat bacterial vaginosis, a common vaginal infection caused by an imbalance in the vaginal flora.
  • Amoebiasis: Drug may be used to treat amoebic infections, such as amoebic dysentery, caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. However, other medications like metronidazole are often preferred for this purpose.
  • Prophylaxis Before Surgery: In some cases, Tinidazole may be given before certain surgical procedures to prevent infections that might occur during or after surgery.
  • H. pylori Eradication: Drug can be part of a combination therapy for eradicating Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with peptic ulcers and gastritis. It is often used in conjunction with other antibiotics.
  • Dental Infections: Tinidazole may be prescribed for dental infections, particularly when anaerobic bacteria are involved.


The dosage of Tinidazole can vary depending on the type of infection being treated, the severity of the infection, and individual factors such as age and overall health. Here are some general guidelines for the dosage for common infections:


  • For adults: A typical dosage is a single 2-gram (2000 mg) dose taken as a single oral tablet.
  • For pregnant women: Tinidazole may be used during pregnancy, but the dose and duration should be carefully monitored.


  • For adults and children over 3 years of age: The usual dosage is a single 2-gram (2000 mg) dose taken as a single oral tablet.

Bacterial Infections (e.g., bacterial vaginosis, bacterial skin infections, respiratory tract infections):

  • The dosage for bacterial infections can vary widely based on the specific infection, its severity, and the patient's age and overall health.
  • Typical dosages may range from 1 to 2 grams (1000 to 2000 mg) per day, divided into one or two doses.

Side Effects of Tinidazole

Tinidazole, like any medication, can cause side effects. Not everyone will experience these side effects, and their severity can vary from person to person. Some common and less common side effects include:

Common Side Effects:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Metallic or bitter taste in the mouth
  • Fatigue or weakness

Less Common Side Effects:

  • Rash
  • Itching (pruritus)
  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in taste perception
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Numbness or tingling in the extremities (peripheral neuropathy)
  • Darkening of urine (this is usually harmless and temporary)

Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some people may experience allergic reactions to Tinidazole. Signs of an allergic reaction can include hives, itching, swelling of the face or throat, severe dizziness, and difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Neurological Effects: In rare cases, Tinidazole has been associated with neurological side effects, such as seizures.

Blood Disorders: Tinidazole may affect blood cell counts in some individuals. If you notice signs of anemia (e.g., pale skin, fatigue), unusual bleeding or bruising, or signs of infection (e.g., fever), contact your doctor.

Liver Effects: Antibiotic can affect liver function in rare instances. If you experience symptoms like yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), dark urine, or persistent nausea and vomiting, seek medical attention promptly.

Central Nervous System Effects: Some people may experience central nervous system side effects, such as confusion or hallucinations, while taking Tinidazole.

Gastrointestinal Infections: In very rare cases, Tinidazole has been associated with the development of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD), a severe gastrointestinal infection.

Interaction with other drugs

Tinidazole can interact with other drugs, which may affect its effectiveness, increase the risk of side effects, or lead to adverse reactions. Here are some of the notable drug interactions:

  • Warfarin: Medicine may enhance the effects of warfarin, an anticoagulant (blood thinner), potentially increasing the risk of bleeding.
  • Lithium: Medicine can increase the levels of lithium in your blood, which may lead to lithium toxicity.
  • Cimetidine: Cimetidine, a medication used to reduce stomach acid, may increase Tinidazole's blood levels, potentially leading to a higher risk of side effects.
  • Phenytoin: Tinidazole may decrease the effectiveness of phenytoin, an antiepileptic medication.
  • Oral Contraceptives: Drug may reduce the effectiveness of hormonal birth control methods, such as oral contraceptives. To prevent unintended pregnancies, it's advisable to use alternative methods of contraception during Tinidazole treatment and for some time afterward.
  • Certain Antifungal Medications: Antibiotic may interact with certain antifungal drugs, such as ketoconazole and itraconazole, potentially affecting their effectiveness.
  • Certain Psychiatric Medications: Medicament may interact with certain psychiatric medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). This interaction can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by symptoms like agitation, confusion, rapid heartbeat, and elevated blood pressure.

What to avoid while on Tinidazole

When taking Tinidazole, it's essential to be aware of certain substances and activities to avoid to ensure the medication's effectiveness and to prevent potential side effects or adverse reactions. Here are some important things to avoid:

  • Alcohol: The most critical thing to avoid while taking Tinidazole is alcohol. Combining tablets with alcohol can lead to severe reactions, including nausea, vomiting, headache, rapid heartbeat, and a drop in blood pressure. It's crucial to abstain from alcohol for at least three days after completing your Tinidazole treatment.
  • Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice: Avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice while taking Tinidazole. Grapefruit can interfere with the way certain medications are metabolized in the body, potentially leading to higher levels of the drug and an increased risk of side effects.
  • Certain Medications: Be cautious when taking Tinidazole in combination with other medications. Some medications, such as warfarin and lithium, may require dosage adjustments when taken with this drug.
  • Driving and Operating Machinery: Medicament can cause dizziness, drowsiness, or other central nervous system side effects in some individuals. If you experience these effects, avoid activities that require mental alertness, such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery, until you know how the medication affects you.
  • Excessive Caffeine: Tinidazole can interact with caffeine, potentially leading to increased caffeine sensitivity. If you are sensitive to caffeine or experience jitteriness, nervousness, or rapid heartbeat, consider reducing your caffeine intake while on Tinidazole.
  • Strenuous Exercise: If you experience fatigue, weakness, or muscle pain as side effects of Tinidazole, you may want to avoid strenuous exercise until these symptoms improve.
  • Exposure to Sunlight: Medicament may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, increasing the risk of sunburn. While on this medication, it's advisable to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when spending time outdoors.
  • Dietary Considerations: Tinidazole can cause a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth. Some individuals may find that consuming cold or frozen foods or using plastic utensils can help alleviate this taste disturbance.

Contraindications of Tinidazole

Tinidazole should be used with caution and, in some cases, is contraindicated (should not be used) in certain situations due to the potential risks involved. Contraindications are conditions or circumstances where the use of a medication is not recommended or should be avoided altogether. Here are some of the contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity: Antibiotic should not be used by individuals who have a known hypersensitivity or allergy to Tinidazole or any of its components. Allergic reactions can be severe and may include symptoms such as hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing.
  • Neurological Disorders: Individuals with a history of neurological disorders or conditions that affect the central nervous system may be at increased risk of experiencing neurological side effects (e.g., seizures, confusion) while taking Tinidazole.
  • Blood Disorders: Remedy may affect blood cell counts. It should be used with caution or avoided in individuals with pre-existing blood disorders or conditions that affect blood cell production.
  • Liver Disease: Tinidazole can affect liver function, so individuals with severe liver disease or impairment may need dosage adjustments or should avoid its use altogether. Liver function should be monitored during treatment.
  • Children Under 3 Years: Tinidazole is generally not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age, as its safety and effectiveness in this age group have not been well established.

Pregnancy and Tinidazole

Tinidazole is generally not recommended for use during the first trimester of pregnancy unless the potential benefits outweigh the risks. During the second and third trimesters, it may be considered for use when the benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks to the fetus. Here are some key points to consider regarding pregnancy:

  • First Trimester: The use of Tinidazole during the first trimester of pregnancy is generally discouraged. During this critical period of fetal development, there is an increased concern about the potential risks to the developing fetus.
  • Second and Third Trimesters: The decision to use Tinidazole in these trimesters should be made on a case-by-case basis, with close monitoring and consideration of alternative treatments.
  • Breastfeeding: Tinidazole can pass into breast milk, and its use during breastfeeding is generally discouraged. If you are breastfeeding and require treatment with Tinidazole, your healthcare provider may recommend temporarily discontinuing breastfeeding during the course of treatment and using alternative feeding methods.
  • Alternative Treatments: In some cases, there may be alternative medications or treatment options that are considered safer during pregnancy.
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