Ebola, Virus Found in Eye
Eye has a very precious value in our body. Without eye, all body parts can’t perform duty properly. But in this study, virus has removed from the blood but due to some unknown reasons Ebola virus was found in patient’s eye. Many issues on this topic have submitted about ebola virus but still reason was unknown.

Ebola effected many patients and according to some statistical data it affected 26000 people in West Africa since last 3 years.
In September, Dr. Ian Crozier victimized of this virus in Sierra Leone during the working with WHO (world health organization). He was admitted in Emory hospital in special ward of Ebola and discharged in the month of October when no any element of Ebola found in his blood. But after two months, again he felt high blood pressure problem in one eye. There was a swelling in his eye and feeling some visionary problem in same eye.
He again admitted in Emory Hospitan where Dr. Steven Yeh operated him and cleared some fluid from eye which contained Ebola virus. Hence this research shows that there is no any risk with the connection of Ebola virus patient but patient should go for checkup because of the safety issues. Yeh added, cruzier is not too much well but surviving very fast.
Dr. Jay Varkey says, people should use the precaution and go for a checkup. Moreover they should monitor the symptoms of this disease so, in any emergency case they will be handle it very carefully.